- Transgender Day of Remembrance on Tuesday
- body outlines in blue tape representing the number of people who were killed in the last year due to hate crimes against trans* people
- over the weekend: plan to flyer and finish body outlines
- Angelica is doing a Trans101 workshop in the Aviation Room
- It's been a year since DADT was repealed, so now academies have a lot of LGBT students
- The talk on being genderqueer and Jewish talk tonight
- We answered questions for a project that analyzed the way religion (specifically Christianity) and LGBT issues coincided at the 5Cs
- some questions asked:
- Is religion necessary?
- Has anyone felt oppression from religious groups?
- Supreme Court has agreed to take up 2 gay marriage cases from NY and Cali (Prop 8)
- United States vs. Edith Windsor (from 1996)
- trying to repeal DOMA
- federal government will not withhold gay marriage (currently up to each state)
- if DOMA fails, then no state can have anti gay marriage laws
- Decisions will come out in June 2013
- CA has passed a law to ban conversion therapy (an attempt to "cure" homosexuality) for minors
- main argument against law is that it violates therapists' free speech
- most find this "therapy" invalid since homosexuality was removed from the DSM in the 70s
- Queer Burlesque - talk about how it went
- What events should we throw next semester? Still lots of money!
- big welcome back event?
- Univ. of Iowa added a question on its application about being LGBT
- specifically: "Do you identify with the LGBTQ community?"
- does this include allies?
- Elmhurst College had this on their application at one point too
- use it for giving students information about campus groups/housing
- when will Mudd start asking this as well?
- we should start reporting statistics in our literature and brochures
- always say we are very queer friendly, but don't advertise it
- will it be used to fulfill a diversity quota?
- Affirmative action? Thoughts?
- necessary. not the best solution but best we have
- need small community at a school to attract others from that community
- LGBTQ will be treated similarly soon?
- Iowa recently passed gay marriage
- Boeing, which has offices in a state that just passed gay marriage (Seattle, WA?), refuses to extend benefits to same sex couples :(
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